Planning Applications & Decisions for the four weeks ending 4 January 2019

15 January, 2019 | Planning Matters

Application No: APP/18/01543/F, Location: 38 Dorset Lake Avenue, Poole BH14 8JD
Proposal: Demolition of existing property and erect 9 apartments with associated parking and access.
Note: Please see our article “Planning Application – 9 apartments at 38 Dorset Lake Avenue
Application No: APP/18/01587/F, Location: 8A Banks Road, Poole BH13 7QB
Proposal: Prior approval for Change of Use from Shop (Class A1) to Restaurant (Class A3).
Application No: APP/18/01544/F, Location: Land to the rear of 24 Spur Hill Avenue, Poole BH14 9PH
Proposal: Construction of two detached houses.
Application No: APP/18/01595/F, Location: 36 Tower Road, Poole BH13 6JA
Proposal: Demolition of existing building and erection of a block of 12 flats with associated access, parking and landscaping.
Application No: APP/18/01644/F, Location: 12 Salterns Way, Poole BH14 8JR
Proposal: Extend existing car port to create double garage with double bedroom above. Removing existing roof and replace with second floor extension.
Application No: APP/18/00506/P, Location: 30-32 Boatyard Restaurant, Sandbanks Yacht Club and 34-38 Panorama Road and Sandbanks Yacht Club Storage 1-6 The Peninsula, Panorama Road, Poole BH13 7RS
Proposal: Outline Application for the demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of a mixed use building with two commercial units, a new marina office and chandlery and a replacement restaurant for the Sandbanks Yacht Company Club on the ground floor with 31 residential flats above. (Revised Scheme which now includes the buildings, slipways, boat park/storage etc in association with Sandbanks Yacht Company Club).
Decision: Refuse
Application No: APP/18/01406/F, Location: 8 and 9 Mount Grace Drive, Poole BH14 8NB
Proposal: Demolition of an existing building (No 9), extension and alteration to another existing building (No 8) and the erection of three dwellings with associated access and parking areas (Revised Scheme).
Decision: Grant subject to CIL contribution

