Application No: | APP/18/01543/F, Location: 38 Dorset Lake Avenue, Poole BH14 8JD |
Proposal: | Demolition of existing property and erect 9 apartments with associated parking and access. |
Note: | Please see our article “Planning Application – 9 apartments at 38 Dorset Lake Avenue“ |
Application No: | APP/18/01587/F, Location: 8A Banks Road, Poole BH13 7QB |
Proposal: | Prior approval for Change of Use from Shop (Class A1) to Restaurant (Class A3). |
Application No: | APP/18/01544/F, Location: Land to the rear of 24 Spur Hill Avenue, Poole BH14 9PH |
Proposal: | Construction of two detached houses. |
Application No: | APP/18/01595/F, Location: 36 Tower Road, Poole BH13 6JA |
Proposal: | Demolition of existing building and erection of a block of 12 flats with associated access, parking and landscaping. |
Application No: | APP/18/01644/F, Location: 12 Salterns Way, Poole BH14 8JR |
Proposal: | Extend existing car port to create double garage with double bedroom above. Removing existing roof and replace with second floor extension. |
Application No: | APP/18/00506/P, Location: 30-32 Boatyard Restaurant, Sandbanks Yacht Club and 34-38 Panorama Road and Sandbanks Yacht Club Storage 1-6 The Peninsula, Panorama Road, Poole BH13 7RS |
Proposal: | Outline Application for the demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of a mixed use building with two commercial units, a new marina office and chandlery and a replacement restaurant for the Sandbanks Yacht Company Club on the ground floor with 31 residential flats above. (Revised Scheme which now includes the buildings, slipways, boat park/storage etc in association with Sandbanks Yacht Company Club). |
Decision: | Refuse |
Application No: | APP/18/01406/F, Location: 8 and 9 Mount Grace Drive, Poole BH14 8NB |
Proposal: | Demolition of an existing building (No 9), extension and alteration to another existing building (No 8) and the erection of three dwellings with associated access and parking areas (Revised Scheme). |
Decision: | Grant subject to CIL contribution |