Application No: | APP/18/01512/F, Location: 239 Sandbanks Road, Poole BH14 8EY |
Proposal: | Single storey rear extension, two storey front extension, roof extension to provide living accommodation and internal alterations. |
Application No: | APP/18/01516/F, Location: 7 Alington Road, Poole BH14 8LX |
Proposal: | Erection of garage block with flat over. |
Application No: | APP/18/00955/F, Location: Brownsea Island Ferries, Poole BH13 7RG |
Proposal: | Demolition and removal of existing ticket office (on land leased from the National Trust) and replacement with a new office/first aid post on the site of existing building/store (on land owned by the Applicant). |
Decision: | Grant with Conditions |
Application No: | APP/18/00739/F, Location: 43 Western Road, Poole BH13 6EP |
Proposal: | Demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a block of ten flats with associated parking (Revised Scheme). |
Decision: | Refuse |
Application No: | APP/18/01291/F, Location: 310 Sandbanks Road, Poole BH14 8HX |
Proposal: | General remodelling and upgrading including creation of new loft room and walk-out balcony and fenestration/window changes (Retrospective). |
Decision: | Grant with Conditions |
Application No: | APP/18/01362/F, Location: 7A Chaddesley Wood Road, Poole BH13 7PN |
Proposal: | Single storey front extension and a part single, part two storey rear extension with the construction of a new roof extension. |
Decision: | Grant with Conditions |
Application No: | APP/18/01119/F, Location: 7 Chaddesley Glen, Poole BH13 7PA |
Proposal: | Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a block of five flats with basement car parking. |
Decision: | Grant with Conditions |