Planning Applications & Decisions for the three weeks ending 12 July 2019

19 July, 2019 | Planning Matters

Planning Applications and Decisions detail can be found by entering the relevant Application reference number in the search box at

Application No: APP/19/00769/F, Location: 44 Brownsea View Avenue, Poole BH14 8LQ
Proposal: Demolish existing dwelling and erect a pair of four bedroom semi-detached houses with parking.
Application No: APP/19/00818/P, Location: 30-34 Panorama Road, Poole BH13 7RD
Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of four storey block comprising:
– Basement – parking, cycle and bin stores to serve residential development
– Ground Floor – boatyard, café/restaurant and office (as part of the Sandbanks Yacht Company composite boatyard use) and estate agents’ office
– First, Second and Third Floors – 15 residential apartments (12 x 1 bed and 3 x 2 bed).
Application No: APP/19/00832/F, Location: 7 Compton Drive, Poole BH14 8PW
Proposal: Erect a new single storey store to the side elevation with fenestration alterations and additions to the existing dwelling.
Application No: APP/19/00836/F, Location: 222 Sandbanks Road, Poole BH14 8HA
Proposal: Construction of a replacement dwelling with integral garage.
Application No: APP/19/00175/F, Location: 16 Martello Road, Poole BH13 7DH
Proposal: Demolish existing dwelling and erect an eight bedroom detached house and garage with living above.
Decision: Grant subject to CIL Contribution
Application No: APP/19/00479/F, Location: 58 Anthonys Avenue, Poole BH14 8JH
Proposal: Demolition of the existing and construction of two detached dwellings.
Decision: Grant subject to CIL contribution
Application No: APP/19/00477/P, Location: 1 Flambard Road, Poole BH14 8SU
Proposal: Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and erect a block of six x 2 bedroom flats with basement parking, bin and cycle storage.
Decision: Refuse

Planning Applications and Decisions detail can be found by entering the relevant Application reference number in the search box at

