Application No: | APP/18/00014/P, Location: 87 & 89 Bournemouth Road Poole BH14 0ER and 1 & 3 Marlborough Road, Poole BH14 0HJ |
Proposal: | Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a part three/part four storey block of 39 apartments together with associated parking |
Application No: | APP/17/01959/F, Location: 4 Haig Avenue, Poole BH13 7AJ |
Proposal: | Demolition of the existing house and construction of a block of 10 flats with basement parking |
Application No: | APP/17/01742/F, Location: 72 Alton Road, Poole BH14 8SS |
Proposal: | Sever existing garden and create new dwelling |
Decision: | Grant subject to CIL contribution |
Application No: | APP/17/01821/F, Location: 3 Compton Gardens, Poole BH14 8PP |
Proposal: | Sub-division of existing dwelling to form a pair of semi-detached houses with associated parking |
Decision: | Grant subject to CIL contribution |
Application No: | APP/17/01154/F, Location: 3 Minterne Road, Poole BH14 8NA |
Proposal: | Demolition of existing bungalow and detached garage and erection of two detached dwellings with integral garages, formation of new access from Minterne Road |
Decision: | Grant subject to CIL contribution |
Application No: | APP/17/01640/F, Location: 5 Turks Lane, Poole BH14 8EW |
Proposal: | Variation of Condition 3 and removal of Condition 6 of Planning Permission APP/14/00974/P to vary the list of approved plans to change the layout and scale of the approved houses and remove the requirement to adhere to the Code for Sustainable Homes |
Decision: | Grant subject to CIL contribution |
Application No: | APP/17/01702/F, Location: 78 Austin Avenue, Poole BH13 8HE |
Proposal: | Alterations, extensions and conversion of chalet bungalow into two x three storey semi detached houses |
Decision: | Refuse |