‘The Cockle’ January 2020

16 January, 2020 | Cockle Newsletters

Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year…

Greetings, we welcome you to the new publication of an old favourite with DLRA Members … ‘The Cockle’

Dorset Lake Residents Association (DLRA) is very much looking forward to 2020; membership is steadily growing and we now have over 230 local residents receiving news and updates within our area. We also have several new projects on the go…

We are presently working on a storyboard of local interest, which we are hoping will be placed at the new development area at the end of Shore Road, which BCP have been regenerating. We are keen to hear from Martin Whitchurch (BCP Open Spaces Officer) on DLRA’s community involvement.

Recognition for Lilliput
A couple of DLRA committee members had a very helpful and informative meeting with Cllr May Haines who has been very supportive of DLRA’s new aims and projects.

In the Summer of 2019, DLRA were declined Community Funds (CIL) from BCP Council for a project to support us in providing a ‘Lilliput Area Sign’, as the BCP Officer informed us that ‘Lilliput’ didn’t exist!! The history books say otherwise…detailing Salterns from as early as the Middle Ages, well before the existence of other areas such as Canford Cliffs and Sandbanks. Our local ward Cllr May Haines believes DLRA should try again…so with renewed optimism we shall be completing another application form and sending it in to BCP Council soon.

Replacement lamp request, Shore Road

A local resident has approached DLRA requesting our assistance in obtaining a replacement lamp (a Victorian-style replica one) along Shore Road.

We have been communicating with Cllr Mohan Iyengar for many months in our attempts to persuade BCP Council that the lamp needs replacing as a matter of urgency.

Sandbanks Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan proposals

As neighbours with Sandbanks Community Group (SCG), and having had sight of Sandbanks Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan proposals from that group, DLRA responded with a letter to BCP Council:

DLRA Event November 2019
DLRA combined with Poole Flying Boats in November for an evenings photo show of ‘Old Lilliput’ by Andrew Hawkes, which he had specifically produced for us…along with an update on the Planning Red Card Policy, by Cllr May Haines.

BCP Councillors
A fully up-to-date list of BCP ward Councillors
including contact details:



Latest Planning Matters
  • Application No: APP/19/01481/K, Location: 15A Brudenell Avenue, Poole BH13 7NW. Proposal: CLOPUD for the erection of a 4 metre deep rear single storey extension.
  • Application No: APP/19/01468/P, Location: 89 Bournemouth Road, Poole BH14 0ER and 3 Marlborough Road, Poole BH14 0HJ. Proposal: Demolish existing buildings and erect a single block of 26 apartments and associated parking, access, bin and cycle storage (Outline application to consider access and layout).
  • More Planning Matters

We look forward to meeting you in late Spring for the DLRA AGM…Details to follow nearer the time.

In the meantime, if there are any local issues that concern you, or have an interest in – for example planning, local history, ecology, BCP Policies etc – please do make contact.

Copyright © 2020 Dorset Lake Residents Association, All rights reserved.

