‘The Cockle’ July 2020 No. 2

27 July, 2020 | Cockle Newsletters

Who would have thought that life and our local Council could be so fast moving during these uncertain times of Covid-19, as we are just emerging out of Lockdown, along with it being Summertime!

Evening Hill

The petition, which Dorset Lake Residents Association implemented at Change.org (http://chng.it/mkMhBYkFFc) for Evening Hill about the newly installed Cycle Lane now has over 500 signatures and growing … along with the campaign Widenmypath – https://www.widenmypath.com/suggest/#16/50.7048/-1.9428 which has well over 600 signatures requesting Evening Hill car parking spaces remain open to provide access to the variety of local amenities, vs 80 cyclists suggesting it’s closure. (DLRA has received one email from a member in support of the Cycle Lane). This being a cycling specific website, it is surprising that the single biggest campaign in the entire United Kingdom is now an anti cycle lane at Evening Hill.

© Dorset Lake Residents Association

The latest development on Evening Hill is a 24-hour camera which will be installed on the junction of Alington & Sandbanks Rd to monitor cycle usage. It will be in situ for one week and is due to be installed in the next few days. Cllr May Haines pointed out one week during peak summer is not representative of average usage over a period of time. Therefore Cllr May has requested that the monitoring be carried out at least 2 more times, once in early autumn (late Sept), then again in winter (early Dec). This would provide a more representative set of data. 

Consultation now begins, after the event!

BCP Council has provided an online form to complete, available at www.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/EveningHill.

However it has been noted by some Members that:
‘There are no questions as to whether it is a good scheme/ or not, whether one feels it is appropriate etc etc… It is not user friendly, and where local residents may write in the boxes (several may not), the Council provide no weighting to their questions. Therefore, without such transparency from the Council as to how they will be scoring the responses, the whole outcome may allegedly be skewed in favour of a cycle lane, thereby justifying the scheme, since the BCP questions do not reflect the whole picture’… Transparency is needed from the Council, and Cllr Hadley and quickly…

If you wish to make a comment, some examples as follows: “this is a not a good scheme” or “it is a good scheme”. “I will lose level walking access to Evening Hill” or “I will not lose level walking access”. “My business is affected by the loss of parking spaces” or “my business is not affected”.

Forging a plan that works for all users

You may wish to Join in the national Guardian debate … requesting examples of ideas:

© Photograph: Huw Fairclough/Getty Images

Keyhole Bridge

You may already be aware that the next scheme to be implemented under the “Emergency Active Travel Fund” is to close car access through the keyhole bridge at the end of Whitecliff Road, meaning all vehicular traffic will have to traverse on Sandbanks Road and turn off to Orchard Avenue then Twemlow Avenue.

Parkstone Bay Association is taking the lead on this, and DLRA has agreed that we will provide our Members with further updates when received on this matter.

For Community Liaison in our Area with BCP Council

Kelly Ansell, Director of Communities
BCP Council

Report Incidents and Issues that may affect you

Out of hours to report any incident, issue or problem
BCP Council 24-hour Emergency Control centre (Hot Line): 0800 506050
Or email: operationscentre@bcpcouncil.gov.uk
NB they do not operate an emergency response team, so this is not the right number/email if you need immediate action. Every call/email is logged, and details are reported to the correct department for action.

Street & beach cleaning issues (e.g. overflowing bins)
Call BCP Council on 01202 261700 during office hours.

For anti-social behaviour or nuisance (e.g. late night beach parties, drug-taking, noise pollution)
Call 999 if a crime is happening (or suspected) or you are in danger.
Or call BCP Council on 01202 633438 during office hours.
At any other time report it via the out-of-hours service on 0800 506050.

Reporting ASB to Dorset Police 
You can also contact the police to report other anti-social behaviour, including ● vandalism ● aggressive language or threatening behaviour ● physical attacks ● drunken behaviour ● drug-taking or dealing
You can:
● call 999 if a crime is happening now or if someone is in immediate danger
● call 101 if it’s not an emergency
● send non-urgent enquiries to 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk

Beach issues (not clean-up, see street & beach cleaning above)
For example, illegal camping, call the beach rangers at Sandbanks Beach Office (not 24/7, office hours vary) or email the operations centre to report:
T: 01202 261370
Out of hours T: 0800 506050

Illegal parking issues, vehicles parked on double yellow lines or other parking enforcement/restriction issues
Call 01202 262154 – 7 days a week (the number is ‘manned’ between 8am to 6pm )
Or try their office number in normal hours: 01202 633285
Email anytime: parkingadministration@bcpcouncil.gov.uk
For inconsiderate parking/highway obstruction, call Dorset Police on 101 with details

Environmental issues such as noise
During office hours by email environment@poole.gov.uk or phone 01202 261700

Harbour related issues such as speeding boats, dangerous or noisy jet ski incidents
You can report these type of water related incidents to Poole Harbour Control via Channel 14 or phone 01202 440230 or email harbourcontrol@phc.co.uk

BCP Planning Committee meetings

Due to Covid-19, we have been informed that such meetings will be held without public attendance, however these meetings will be virtual and are recorded for Live and subsequent Broadcast…

These can be accessed via the following link

Best wishes

Harry Alexander – Chair
(from Sandbanks to Canford Cliffs, through Lilliput and Evening Hill and beyond)

Copyright © 2020 Dorset Lake Residents Association, All rights reserved.

