You may well be aware that Councillor Andy Hadley, has decided to use Public Money through the Emergency Measures Bill to take out all the Parking Spaces on Evening Hill to provide for one Group of people, ‘Cyclists’.
Cllr. Hadley details that the existing parking bays will become a cycle lane with barriers…we have been informed that he/BCP Council has not needed to implement any consultation with anyone else, or any other user Groups. Many questions have been asked of Cllr. Andy Hadley, one requesting the Equality Assessment Report for transparency of this scheme. To date, the Councillor has chosen not to answer the Public’s questions nor provide the Equality Report.
So many different user groups and local residents have been in contact with us, appalled at such a decision: These include: Paddle boarders; windsurfers; fishermen; walkers; sailing clubs; visitors; disability groups; Open Spaces Society; Dorset CPRE; Parkstone Bay Association; Branksome Park and Canford Cliffs Residents Association; and many more…
If you wish to retain the Car Parking bays on Evening Hill, there are several options open to you:
- Sign our Petition at
- Email your comments to Councillors Andy Hadley and Vikki Slade, and BCP CEO Graham Farrant (email addresses below)
- Add your name tto the campaign with DLRA is supporting at
Those Now Identified As Being Very Badly Affected By This allegedly Bad Decision:
*** Removal of Car Parking Bays near to the Open Green Space of Evening Hill ***
- People with Disability & Mobility Difficulties… who will now not be able to easily access the Open Green Space, Viewpoint + Seating
- All Blue Badge Holders
- People with Learning Disabilities who in small groups enjoy their visit by Minibus
- People who journey there from Care Homes, accompanied by Carers via Minibus
- Picnickers – especially with young children requiring pushchairs and paraphernalia
- Local Residents with a dog – which may well be elderly and unable to walk very far
- Visitors to our Locality who want to take in this Beauty Spot of National Significance. This will affect BCP… especially which supports local hotels etc. etc.
- Scouts, Guides & Cubs etc. Groups (local & nationally) which visit their tableaux here
- Supporters of Local History Groups who see this as a most meaningful Harbour view
- Film Crews and the Performing Arts that occasionally choose this particular fine venue
- The Ice Cream Vendor whose business for years has benefitted from this popular spot
- BCP Council… loss of regular income from the revenue accrued from car parking spaces
*** Removal of Car Parking Bays which essentially serve the first part of Evening Hill ***
- The East Dorset Sailing Club Members esp. when their dedicated compound parking is full
- The Watersports Businesses – that need to operate from the Public Slipway at Evening Hill
- Watersport Enthusiasts… paddleboarders canoeists esp. youngsters who are in a safe area. How will these Watersports Businesses (never consulted) + individuals be able to get kit there safely?
- The Anglers who have traditionally enjoyed the Evening Hill Promenade (with all their gear)
- Again, People with Mobility problems who enjoy the Promenade rather than Sandbanks pavements
*** An Appropriate Compromise to the Removal of the Car Parking Bays on Evening Hill ***
An obvious solution would be to invest in a footway designated as a Bridleway to run this side of Evening Hill which can … inc. pedestrians, cyclists & horse riders (only occasionally involved). A sensible outcome would ensure that no individual nor business will be inconvenienced by the loss of access. Cyclists could dismount in safety, rather than within a restricted lane on a main road close to adjacent traffic!
A significant number already use this pavement… especially those ‘shepherding’ their children on bikes…
Dorset Lake Residents Association June 2020.
Best wishes
Chair –
(from Sandbanks to Canford Cliffs, Lilliput and beyond, …inc. Evening Hill)
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