Thankfully the UK has been moving at speed to vaccinate the population against the silent killer, Covid, so that we might start to regain a degree of normality in our lives. Our thoughts are with those families, which include, very sadly, some of our Members who have lost loved ones during this time. If anyone needs anything, please do ask, we are here for you.
Development at Salterns
You may well be aware of the recent works during the last few weeks that have started on the site above. DLRA had on a number of occasions requested from BCP Council a point of call, a type of Project Manager on behalf of the Council, who residents could contact to discuss their concerns.
This unfortunately hasn’t happened. The Council appears not to have felt it necessary to provide such assistance to the community – yet it is one of the largest developments in South Poole which will affect a significant number of local residents.
One of the Councillors, Tony O’Neill, has been very helpful in trying his utmost to gain assistance, and push BCP for answers … a response was eventually received from BCP Head of Planning, Nick Perrins – extract below:
“…….The residents are correct that planning permission exists for the redevelopment of the hotel and there are a number of conditions that need to be complied with before and during construction…..
The developer has also agreed a legally binding Section 278 agreement with the Council to facilitate the safe delivery of the highway works including the road widening.
Therefore, the requisite details around road widening and related works have been submitted and agreed with the Council and in this respect the developer is understood to in compliance with the permission in this regard. …………
…………………..I will ask both highways and the enforcement team to check in on the construction to ensure it remains in accordance with the approved details.”
Ken Sanson
I expect that many of you will have heard of the passing of our personal friend and great colleague Ken Sanson on the 25th March, following a very protracted illness, which he endured with his usual patience, fortitude & good humour !
I had the pleasure of speaking with him a few days prior on the Sunday and there was the realisation that his time was almost up… but we planned to meet-up again and enjoy a large rum baba at his favourite café in Westbourne.
He will be greatly missed by us all at DLRA. He did so much for both his local Community of South Poole, including being the Commodore of PFBC, where he was a co-founder, and steered the Charity through its first decade with wonderful aplomb.
His speeches were memorable – with individualistic delivery + great fun. One of life’s Gentlemen…
DLRA is very aware of a number of local residents, who have wonderfully given up their time to help others during this pandemic. This has included, shopping for others, volunteering at the BIC with the vaccine rollout, or having a chat over the phone – just some of the many acts of kindness.
We feel that these people need to be recognised for their selfless effort in our Community, and DLRA would welcome your ideas as to how this might be achieved…
Public Rights of Way
10 Crichel Mount Road
A few days prior to a planning application for the above property, an Inspector at Appeal dismissed what appeared to be a very similar application for the same site i.e. one of the primary similarities is vehicular access from Lilliput Road, along a lane, where the Inspector provided the reasons for the dismissal crossing a Bridleway. These same issues occur with any other application for the site where it uses the bridleway.
BCP Council through Nick Perrins was informed that the points detailed by the Inspector become a legal entity. However, when the similar application went to Planning Committee only 5 days later, it would appear that the Appeal decision was not highlighted. The BCP Planning Officer recommended the application, and at Committee it was Granted.
One wonders about legal redress, and the BCP planning process, along with Committees which now incorporate Bournemouth and Christchurch Councillors. Where is Community Engagement from BCP Council ?….Is it right that a Community could now be in fear when anyone walks or rides a horse along this Bridleway, at the foot of Lilliput Road, which voted to Grant vehicles to drive over, where the Inspector at Appeal detailed strong opposition to this in his summation ?
Read the full Appeal Decision Notice
And the following which was Granted at Planning Committee
Application Number: APP/20/00370/P
Case Officer Report
Who runs BCP?
Is this the beginning of New Protocols and working Methods within BCP Council ? Perhaps a Council testing the waters for others around the UK to follow ?
More importantly how does Democracy and Community Consultation fit in with a Billion Dollar Conglomerate ?
Will BCP Council be pushed out in favour of a more slimline approach ?
From a recent article by Lindsay Clarke
“…Consultancy and outsourcing firm KPMG has been awarded an £18m contract to, for all intents and purposes, create the entire back-end operations, processes and technology system for the recently formed Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council.
In its new role as Strategic Implementation Partner, the consultancy firm KPMG will be responsible for implementing that model. Areas of work include IT consulting, software development, computer-site planning consultancy, business analysis consultancy, information technology requirements review, accountancy, business management, HR, procurement, business organisation services – and much, much more….
…They might also point out that such a newly born council, with an annual net budget of £283m in 2020/21, might not have the skills to manage the relationship with the $29bn-revenue supplier. It might find itself being managed by KPMG, rather than the other way around. ®”
Planning Applications (11) & Decisions (9) for the period ending 30th April 2021
- Application No: APP/21/00325/F, Location: 5 Greenwood Avenue, Poole BH14 8QD
Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two detached dwellings with associated access and parking. - Application No: APP/21/00387/K, Location: 3A Compton Gardens, Poole BH14 8PP
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for a Proposed Use or Development for the erection of an outbuilding for uses incidental to the main dwelling house. Permitted under Schedule 2, Part 1, Class E of the General Permitted Development Order (2015).
Poole Park
On a brighter note, we were recently asked about any interesting historical oddities of Poole Park… As its good news, an interpretation Panel has been commissioned to tell the history of the Park from its Victorian inception.
During WW2, the Americans landed the odd light aircraft on the now Cricket Square ! Not sure if that will hit the Press, but it would be great if Forte the famous ice cream maker and seller (now Hotel owner), had a mention…..since it was the site of his very first ever Ice cream parlour (the small building adjacent to the road, near the bowling alley).
With summer on its way, how tempting that would be to persuade an Ice Cream maker to come back and set up shop again in the Park !…Maybe even Knickerbocker Glories…!! Possibly something to warm the Cockles of the Heart and make us all smile again !
If any Member has a local issue that they would like to discuss in confidence, please do make contact.
Very best wishes
DLRA Chair –
(from Sandbanks to Canford Cliffs, Lilliput and beyond, …inc. Evening Hill)
Copyright © 2020 Dorset Lake Residents Association, All rights reserved.