The Campaign for Sensible Tree Management

2 February, 2018 | Contributions, Of Local Interest

from Sue Whitehall

Many residents have expressed their concerns regarding the increase in canopy heights, density and magnitude of trees in their garden. Homeowners hold the view that current practices in tree management are subjective, too restrictive and do not allow for ‘Sensible and Prudent Management’ of trees on their land and see the need for change. Occupants feel that they are not given full consideration in the application and decision making process and that too much emphasis is placed on Public Amenity value rather than due consideration given to the welfare of the permanent property owner/occupier. Their view is that the quality of their lives and the ‘Right to enjoy their possessions,’ has been severely compromised.

In response to the concerns raised by residents, a Campaign and Petition were launched in 2012 and over 200 signatures were collected.

The Campaign is seeking to promote change in application and interpretation of existing policies and a possible review of current legislation. There seems to be a clear need for developing a strategy for tree management in Poole, promoting consistency, consideration and to develop a sensible overview in tree management for the benefit of all Poole residents.

The issues highlighted were brought to the attention of Robert Syms M.P and a presentation made to an Area Committee Meeting in February 2012. Subsequently the petition was presented to a Full Council Meeting in October 2012, The Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee in November2012, The Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee in January 2013 culminating in discussions at The Arboricultural Working Group on January 30th.

The subject was also raised and discussed at the Community Working Group as such issues clearly affect residents across the Borough.

The Campaign is ongoing and continuing to collect signatures from interested parties. If you wish to obtain further information or sign the petition please email

This article is a welcome contribution from local resident Sue Whitehall; the views expressed are her own and do not necessarily represent the views of the DLRA. Any response should be made directly to the contributor. Thank you.

