John Alexander Cruickshank VC

15 October, 2020 | Of Local Interest, Poole Flying Boats Celebration (PFBC)

Poole Sends Very Special Happy 100th Birthday Wishes to John Alexander Cruickshank VC (b. 20.05.1920).

A Flying Officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, in 1943 Cruikshank was stationed at RAF Hamworthy, Salterns, Lilliput. In 1944, at the age of just 24, he was presented with the Victoria Cross by King George V1. He is the last living Victoria Cross holder to have been awarded the medal during World War Two.

Please download the illustrated article by Aimée which tells a story recounted to her in correspondence with Group Capt. Douglas Cook – an RAF Adviser for Poole Flying Boats Celebration (pdf, 1Mb file size)

