We would like to notify you that our BCP Local Plan Issues & Options consultation is now open.
The consultation period will run for eight weeks starting on 10 January and ending on 7 March 2022 (11.59pm) and will:
- explain the vision and objectives for our area and key issues for the Local Plan to address
- either recommend the approach we should take or suggest options that address each issue
- include the opportunity to comment on potential residential sites within the urban area and sites promoted for residential and leisure uses in the green belt
Full details of the consultation and how you can take part are available at haveyoursay.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/localplan
Please note the best way of viewing all the information is from a desktop or laptop computer.
Hard copies of the Issues & Options document and consultation materials are also available in all BCP Council libraries.
If you have any queries please do get in touch.